Christmas village 3D projection mapping
Christmas village 3D projection mapping

Have you ever seen the movie Speed with Sandra Bullock and Keneu Reves?
If Yes, you surely know the feeling “omg the bus is going to explode” which comes up wacthing this movie.
Well, This is how our liver felt when we made this project.
In collaboration with Groove Me Entertainment we made the following tasks:
- 3 Characters
- 15 minutes of 3D animation for each character
- 8 min. 3D extra animation and 3D environements
- Storytelling
- Screenplay
Everything in 27 days. Do you still remember the Speed feeling?
We want to thank all people whom join our team in this fastest project against time:
- Matteo Turrisi – Tecnical Director e problem solver Super Sayan
- Buio: Art Director, modeller, texture artist, actor (Elf and Santa Claus)
- Mauro R. Brandani: Head of Production, Screeplay, compositor
- Paolo Biancalana – Lead Animator
- Daniela Rossini – Animator
- Francesco Nevi – Animator
- Nicola Nardone – Rigger
- Farido Guido Guzzo – Modeller e concept Artist
- Riccardo La Marca – Concept Artist
A special thanks to Gabriele Panci and to his liver which unfortunately did not survive, and all the Groove Me team.